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Java Certification

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Sun's certification program in Java technology is an industry recognized, worldwide program that focuses on critical job roles in software application development and enterprise architecture. Since these certifications focus on the technology, the knowledge and skills learned while preparing for Sun's certifications are transportable from one company to another.

Sun's philosophy is that certification is central to the learning process as it provides validation of skill sets for specific job roles. Sun certification also offers a natural progression to support your career goals.

  • First, by becoming a Sun Certified Associate Sun verifies that you have a base set of knowledge that enables entry into a career in application development or software project management using Java technology.
  • Second, we train developers on a foundational set of skills, which can then be validated by becoming a Sun Certified Programmer.
  • Afterwards, you can pursue advanced or specialty training and certifications that help enable career growth into more specific job roles making you more valuable to an organization.

Sun offers the following Java technology professional certifications:

- Sun Certified Java Associate (SCJA)
- Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)
- Sun Certified Java Developer (SCJD)
- Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD)
- Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD)
- Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services (SCDJWS)
- Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD)
- Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (SCEA)

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