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ISEB Qualifications

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The Information Systems Examinations Board (ISEB) is a division of the British Computer Society.

ISEB was created in 1990 from the Systems Analysis Examinations Board (which was set up in 1967). ISEB administers examinations and issues certificates in a variety of subjects in the field of information systems engineering.

The aim of the Information Systems Examination Board (ISEB) is to raise the standard of competence and performance of those working in IT. It does this by offering a range of relevant industry recognised qualifications.

ISEB does not itself provide training to candidates preparing for its qualifications but, through the accreditation process, it does recognise and promote those training organisations which demonstrate the ability to teach the appropriate syllabus using competent tutors and good materials in an appropriate learning environment.

ISEB has now issued over 300,000 IT Qualifications and the ISEB portfolio offers a large number of IT qualifications over a variety of disciplines.

Some of the ISEB Foundation Certificate examinations are available via Computer Based Exams.

For more information visit here


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